The Pan American Games program started with 19 sports in the 1951 edition, and in 2003 in Santo Domingo it featured 35 sports. But how the events that will be held in the RIO 2007 competitions were defined? The main source for any edition of the Pan American Games is the program of the next Olympic Games. Therefore, the XV Pan American Games Rio 2007 will forcefully contain the 28 sports of the 2008 Beijing Games, in China :
. Aquatics (Diving, Open Water, Swimming, Synchronized Swimming and Water Polo)
. Archery
. Athletics
. Badminton
. Baseball
. Basketball
. Boxing
. Canoe / Kayak
. Cycling
. Equestrian
. Fencing
. Football
. Gymnastics (Artistic, Rhythmic and Trampoline)
. Handball
. Hockey
. Judo
. Modern Pentathlon
. Rowing
. Table Tennis
. Taekwondo
. Tennis
. Triathlon
. Sailing
. Shooting
. Softball
. Volleyball (Beach and Indoor)
. Weightlifting
. Wrestling
Futsal, a discipline that is not part of the current Olympic Games program, has been included in the XV Pan American Games Rio 2007. The admission, a request from the Organizing Committee of the RIO 2007 (CO-RIO), was approved by PASO's Executive Committee in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, right before the opening of the 2003 Pan American Games, that took place in that city in August, from the 1st through the 17th.
In the XLIII PASO General Assembly, in August, 2005, in Rio de Janeiro, the Organization confirmed Futsal (men´s) and included Bowling, Karate, Skating (Artistic and Speed), Squash and Water Skiing in the program of the XV Pan American Games Rio 2007.
sábado, 19 de maio de 2007
The Parapan American Games 2007 and kinds of sports
For the first time ever, in 2007 the Parapan American Games will take place immediately after and in the same city of the Pan American Games. Organized by CO-RIO in partnership with the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, and following the rules of the Americas Paralympic Committee (APC) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC), the Parapan American Games Rio 2007 will be held between August 12 and 19, 2007.
The Parapan American Games Rio 2007 will use the same venues as the Pan American Games. This will guarantee the quality of the sporting equipment, as is currently the case of the Paralympic Games, always held after the Olympics and organized by the same Organizing Committee. In addition, holding the events in this order will allow delegations to the Parapan American Games to use the Pan American Village, resulting in greater comfort and money saving. The apartments in the Village were designed taking into account their use by Parapan American Games athletes.
Around 1,300 athletes and 700 members of delegations are expected to take part in 10 different sports. The Parapan American Games have taken place twice before, but separately from the Pan American Games themselves - in Mexico City in 1999 and in Mar del Plata, Argentina, in 2003.
In order to organize the Parapan American Games, CO-RIO will count on the support of the Ministry of Sports, the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Government of the City of Rio.
The Paralympic sports are very similar to their Olympic parallels. Listed below are the main characteristics of the 10 sports which compose the program of the Parapan American Games Rio 2007:
1. Athletics
Athletics is one of the sports that include the largest number of participants around the globe. Trying to jump higher, to throw further, to run faster, to overcome one’s own limits, these athletes compete in track (sprint, middle distance racing, long track racing and relay), jump (long jump, high jump and triple jump), throw (shot put, disco and javelin throw), street (marathon) and combined (pentathlon). Some compete in wheelchairs, others with prosthesis, and blind or visually impaired athletes compete with a sighted guide.
Place: João Havelange Stadium
2.Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Basketball was originally developed after World War II in an effort to aid the rehabilitation of war veterans. Today, it is one of the most popular sports in Paralympic Games. No changes are made to basketball courts to receive wheelchair athletes. The backboard remains at the same height and the court size is the same. With five players in each team, athletes receive, depending on their functional impairment, from 1 to 4.5 points (whereas the highest score is achieved by the least impaired). The total score of a team in court cannot surpass 14 points.
Place: Arena Multiuso do Rio (Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Arena)
3. Swimming
Athletes with physical disabilities or visual impairment compete in the four styles – freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly – in addition to medley and relay events. Athletes are not allowed to use prosthesis, orthesis or any other apparatus. Blind swimmers are given a signal, by means of a stick with a foam end, so that they can perceive when they are getting close to the end wall (on turns and finish line).
Place: Parque Aquático Nacional (National Water Park)
4. Powerlifting
Powerlifting started in Paralympic Games in 1964. Initially, exclusive for men, it included women from Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. Athletes are divided into weight categories (a total of 10) and brain disabled, spine injured, lower limb amputee athletes and les autres – those with some kind of physical disability that cannot be included in the categories previously listed – with the minimum degree of disability required. The objective of Powerlifting is to lift the greatest weight possible. Lying on their back, competitors must lower the bar to the chest, hold it motionless on the chest and then press it upwards to arms length with locked elbows. The athletes are given three attempts.
Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavillion 3A
5. Football 5-a-side
Five athletes on one side and five on the other, the goal is both team’s objective. A ball with a bell inside and side bands, the game starts. The side bands, as the term indicates, are on top of the sidelines, are 1.20m high and prevent the ball from getting out. The ball has a bell inside so that players can find it, since they are blind. Only the goalkeeper, for safety reasons, is sighted. The goalkeeper plays in a 5x2m restricted area and behind him there is a caller, whose function is to signal to players where the goal is. The field dimensions are 40 x 20m and the game lasts 50 minutes (two 25min periods). Football 5-a-side started in the 2004 Paralympic Games.
Place: Arena de Hóquei de Deodoro (Deodoro Hockey Arena)
6. Football 7-a-side
There are 7 players on the field from each team, all brain disabled. Brain disability is a physical disability and not mental as the name may suggest. Athletes from Classes C5 to C8 play Football 7-a-side, and a C5 or C6 athlete must be present at all times in order to keep the balance between the teams. The field dimensions are 75x55m, the game lasts 60 min (two 30-minute periods) and it follows FIFA’s rules with slight changes. Side throwing-in, for instance, may be done with only hand.
Place: Arena de Hóquei de Deodoro (Deodoro Hockey Arena)
7. Judo
Judo appeared for the first time in Paralympic Games in 1988, during Seoul Games. In Athens 2004 it was women’s turn to take part in the competition. Judo is practiced by blind and visually impaired athletes who, divided into weight categories, fight according to the same rules of the International Judo Federation. A few aspects are different from conventional judo, for instance: athletes start the fight when they grab the kimono; the fight is interrupted when opponents loose contact and there is no penalty. Judo fighters from the three ophthalmologic categories, B1 (blind), B2 (perception of figure) and B3 (definition of image), fight among themselves and the blind athlete (B1) is identified with a red circle on each shoulder of the kimono.
Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 4A
8. Table tennis
Table Tennis has been present in Paralympic Games since its first edition in 1960 and it is practiced nowadays in 104 countries. Athletes from the most varied disability groups (except for blind and visually impaired) compete divided into 11 functional classes, out of which five are for standing athletes, five for athletes in wheelchairs and one for mentally disabled athletes. Individually, in pairs or team, the match is played in 5 sets of 11 points. After winning three sets, a player is considered the winner. With a few changes, the rules of the International Tennis Federation apply also to Table Tennis practiced by people with disabilities.
Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 3B
9. Wheelchair tennis
The same court, same ball, same rules (except for the fact that ball may hit the floor twice), different athletes. The Wheelchair Tennis is practiced by athletes who have substantial or total function loss in one or both legs, or also in QUAD category when at least three limbs are affected. The athletes compete individually (simple) or in pairs (doubles).
Place: Country Clube Marapendi (Marapendi Club)
10. Sitting volleyball
Sitting volleyball is played on a 10mx6m court with a 1.15 meter-tall net for men and 1.05 for women. Each team has six athletes in the court and the game is played in 5 sets. The first four sets are played up to 25 points (unless the teams tie at 24, when the game is prolonged until one team has a two-point lead) and the last one goes up to 25 (the same rule is valid in case of tie at 14 points). To get a point, a team has to make the ball fall on the opponent’s field, and a maximum of three touches is allowed, besides the blocking contact. A player is not allowed to touch a ball twice consecutively, except for the blocking action. Differently from its Olympic equivalent, the service can be blocked. Athletes must keep the pelvis in contact with the ground during the entire game and must present a minimum degree of disability required by the sport.
Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 3B
The Parapan American Games Rio 2007 will use the same venues as the Pan American Games. This will guarantee the quality of the sporting equipment, as is currently the case of the Paralympic Games, always held after the Olympics and organized by the same Organizing Committee. In addition, holding the events in this order will allow delegations to the Parapan American Games to use the Pan American Village, resulting in greater comfort and money saving. The apartments in the Village were designed taking into account their use by Parapan American Games athletes.
Around 1,300 athletes and 700 members of delegations are expected to take part in 10 different sports. The Parapan American Games have taken place twice before, but separately from the Pan American Games themselves - in Mexico City in 1999 and in Mar del Plata, Argentina, in 2003.
In order to organize the Parapan American Games, CO-RIO will count on the support of the Ministry of Sports, the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Government of the City of Rio.
The Paralympic sports are very similar to their Olympic parallels. Listed below are the main characteristics of the 10 sports which compose the program of the Parapan American Games Rio 2007:
1. Athletics

Place: João Havelange Stadium
2.Wheelchair Basketball

Place: Arena Multiuso do Rio (Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Arena)
3. Swimming

Place: Parque Aquático Nacional (National Water Park)
4. Powerlifting

Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavillion 3A
5. Football 5-a-side

Place: Arena de Hóquei de Deodoro (Deodoro Hockey Arena)
6. Football 7-a-side

Place: Arena de Hóquei de Deodoro (Deodoro Hockey Arena)
7. Judo

Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 4A
8. Table tennis

Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 3B
9. Wheelchair tennis

Place: Country Clube Marapendi (Marapendi Club)
10. Sitting volleyball

Place: Riocentro Convention Center – Pavilion 3B
The mascot fo the Pan American 2007: Caue

The mascot for the Pan American and Parapan American Games Rio 2007 has a name: "Caue", which means "Hail" in the indigenous Tupi language. The name was chosen by nearly 40% of more than 465,000 votes cast in an online ballot. After a comprehensive survey, three options were chosen to offer to the public for voting, including 'Caue', 'Kuara' and 'Luca'.
The mascot, developed and designed by Dupla Design, symbolizes the Brazilian sun, spirit and culture. It will be the key image of the licensing programme of CO-RIO. "From now on, several products displaying the mascot will be licensed and CO-RIO firmly believes in the commercial success of this initiative that will contribute to fund the Pan American and Parapanamerican Games. The purchase of the Mascot in licensed products is also a way "Cariocas" and Brazilians in general will have of contributing directly to the organization of the largest sport event in the history of Brazil", said CO-RIO General Secretary, Carlos Roberto Osório
History of the Pan American Games
The Pan American games are a continental version of the Olympic Games which includes the Olympic Program sports and others that are not part of the Olympics. Conducted every four years, always one year before the Olympic Games, the first Pan American Games were held in 1951, in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. However, its origin dates back to 1932, in the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Inspired by the holding of the first Central American Games six years earlier, the Latin American representatives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) proposed the creation of a competition that would include all the countries in the Americas, for the purpose of strengthening sport activities in the region.
The idea resulted in the first Pan American Sports Congress, held in Buenos Aires in 1940. In principle the Congress determined that the inaugural games would be held in 1942 in the Argentine capital - plans that were postponed due to World War II.
At the end of the conflict, a second Pan American Sports Congress in London during the 1948 Olympic Games, confirmed Buenos Aires as the host for the first Pan American Games, finally scheduled for 1951.
Competitions started on February 25th and included 2,513 athletes from 21 countries, with 18 sports.
Over more than 50 years, the Pan American Games never failed to occur, and have been held in cities in every corner of the continent.
From the extreme north, like Winnipeg (Canada), host of two events - 1967 and 1999 - to the south, like Mar del Plata (Argentina) which hosted the 1995 Games. The Pan American Games also visited Mexico City (Mexico), Chicago (USA), Cali (Colombia), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Caracas (Venezuela), Indianapolis (USA), Havana (Cuba) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).
In addition, the Games have already been to Brazil. In 1963, São Paulo was the host to the fourth edition of the event. The Games were a success, mobilizing the entire city to the point where 40 thousand people attended the Opening Ceremony held at the Pacaembu Stadium.
The Pan American Games have been growing in size and importance with as edition of the event occurs. In less than half a century, the event has doubled in number of countries, athletes, and sports, becoming one of the main events in the world's sports calendar.
The editions of the Pan American Games are as follows:
1951 - Buenos Aires (Argentina) - February 25th to March 9th
2,513 athletes, 21 countries, 18 sports
1955 - Mexico City (Mexico) - March 12th to 26th
2,583 athletes, 22 countries, 17 sports
1959 - Chicago (USA) - August 27th to September 7th
2,263 athletes, 25 countries, 18 sports
1963 - São Paulo (Brazil) - April 20th to May 5th
1,665 athletes, 22 countries, 19 sports
1967 - Winnipeg (Canada) - 24th July to August 6th
2,361 athletes, 29 countries, 18 sports
1971 - Cali (Colombia) - July 25th to August 8th
2,935 athletes, 32 countries, 18 sports
1975 - Mexico City (Mexico) - October 12th to 25th
3,146 athletes, 33 countries, 18 sports
1979 - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - July 1st to 15th
3,700 athletes, 34 countries, 22 sports
1983 - Caracas (Venezuela) - August 14th to 29th
3,426 athletes, 36 countries, 23 sports
1987 - Indianapolis (USA) - August 7th to 23rd
4,453 athletes, 38 countries, 27 sports
1991 - Havana (Cuba) - August 8th to 18th
4,519 athletes, 39 countries, 26 sports
1995 - Mar del Plata (Argentina) - March 11th to 26th
5,144 athletes, 42 countries, 34 sports
1999 - Winnipeg (Canada) - July 23rd to August 8th
5,000 athletes, 42 countries, 34 sports
2003 - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) - August 1st to August 17th
5,500 athletes, 42 countries, 35 sports
2007 - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) - July 13th to 29th
5,500 athletes*, 42 countries, 33 sports*
The idea resulted in the first Pan American Sports Congress, held in Buenos Aires in 1940. In principle the Congress determined that the inaugural games would be held in 1942 in the Argentine capital - plans that were postponed due to World War II.
At the end of the conflict, a second Pan American Sports Congress in London during the 1948 Olympic Games, confirmed Buenos Aires as the host for the first Pan American Games, finally scheduled for 1951.
Competitions started on February 25th and included 2,513 athletes from 21 countries, with 18 sports.
Over more than 50 years, the Pan American Games never failed to occur, and have been held in cities in every corner of the continent.
From the extreme north, like Winnipeg (Canada), host of two events - 1967 and 1999 - to the south, like Mar del Plata (Argentina) which hosted the 1995 Games. The Pan American Games also visited Mexico City (Mexico), Chicago (USA), Cali (Colombia), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Caracas (Venezuela), Indianapolis (USA), Havana (Cuba) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).
In addition, the Games have already been to Brazil. In 1963, São Paulo was the host to the fourth edition of the event. The Games were a success, mobilizing the entire city to the point where 40 thousand people attended the Opening Ceremony held at the Pacaembu Stadium.
The Pan American Games have been growing in size and importance with as edition of the event occurs. In less than half a century, the event has doubled in number of countries, athletes, and sports, becoming one of the main events in the world's sports calendar.
The editions of the Pan American Games are as follows:
1951 - Buenos Aires (Argentina) - February 25th to March 9th
2,513 athletes, 21 countries, 18 sports
1955 - Mexico City (Mexico) - March 12th to 26th
2,583 athletes, 22 countries, 17 sports
1959 - Chicago (USA) - August 27th to September 7th
2,263 athletes, 25 countries, 18 sports
1963 - São Paulo (Brazil) - April 20th to May 5th
1,665 athletes, 22 countries, 19 sports
1967 - Winnipeg (Canada) - 24th July to August 6th
2,361 athletes, 29 countries, 18 sports
1971 - Cali (Colombia) - July 25th to August 8th
2,935 athletes, 32 countries, 18 sports
1975 - Mexico City (Mexico) - October 12th to 25th
3,146 athletes, 33 countries, 18 sports
1979 - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - July 1st to 15th
3,700 athletes, 34 countries, 22 sports
1983 - Caracas (Venezuela) - August 14th to 29th
3,426 athletes, 36 countries, 23 sports
1987 - Indianapolis (USA) - August 7th to 23rd
4,453 athletes, 38 countries, 27 sports
1991 - Havana (Cuba) - August 8th to 18th
4,519 athletes, 39 countries, 26 sports
1995 - Mar del Plata (Argentina) - March 11th to 26th
5,144 athletes, 42 countries, 34 sports
1999 - Winnipeg (Canada) - July 23rd to August 8th
5,000 athletes, 42 countries, 34 sports
2003 - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) - August 1st to August 17th
5,500 athletes, 42 countries, 35 sports
2007 - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) - July 13th to 29th
5,500 athletes*, 42 countries, 33 sports*
segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2007
Histories about it ...

The XV Pan American Games will take place July 13-29 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and will feature 5,500 athletes from 42 countries competing in 28 different sports. For the first time ever, the Parapan American Games (featuring Paralympic athletes) will take place immediately after and in the same city as the Pan American Games. The Parapan American Games will be contested August 12-19 and will include more than 1,300 athletes competing from 26 countries. The Pan American Games are a continental version of the Olympic Games that includes the Olympic Program sports and other events such as bowling, squash, roller sports and water skiing that are not part of the Olympic Games. Conducted every four years, always one year before the Olympic Games, the first Pan American Games were held in 1951, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Inspired by the holding of the first Central American Games six years earlier, the Latin American representatives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) proposed the creation of a competition that would include all the countries in the Americas, for the purpose of strengthening sport activities in the region.
sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2007
Since today the tickets for the Pan American Games 2007 are avaible for purchase at
The opening ceremony tickets that will be 13th July start with R$ 20,00 until R$ 250,00. But, run for it! because there´s just a few.
The opening ceremony tickets that will be 13th July start with R$ 20,00 until R$ 250,00. But, run for it! because there´s just a few.
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